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What IMAGE Do You Have of God???

 Pastor's Blog 
Monday, September 16 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/16: [So] that in Him (Christ Jesus) in every respect you were enriched, in full power and readiness of speech [to speak of your faith] and complete knowledge and illumination [to give you full insight into its meaning]. 1 Corinthians 1:5 AMP

Confess: I am RICH in MY FAITH!  It is easy for me to SPEAK of my FAITH & share my TESTIMONY!  God has given me INSIGHT & UNDERSTANDING of His WORD & His WAY of doing things!  I always put Jesus FIRST in my life! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 05:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, September 15 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/15: Every time I think of you—and I think of you often!—I thank God for your lives of free and open access to God, given by Jesus. 1 Corinthians 1:4 MSG

Confess: I am OPEN to God & it is AWESOME I have EASY ACCESS to Him.  I can thank Jesus for that ENTRANCE into the HOLY OF HOLIES!  I can go quickly into His PRESENCE.  Wow God!- P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 08:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, September 14 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/14: I thank my God at all times for you because of the grace (the favor and spiritual blessing) of God which was bestowed on you in Christ Jesus, 1 Corinthians 1:4 AMP

Confess: Today I’m FILLED WITH thanksgiving.  God’s FAVOR & SPIRITUAL BLESSING are a DAILY part of my life.  God’s amazing GRACE is evident even in hard times!  Hallelujah! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 09:36 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, September 13 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/13: May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace. 1 Corinthians 1:3 NLT; Grace (favor and spiritual blessing) be to you and [heart] peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. AMP
Confess: Grace, God’s FAVOR & BLESSING, manifest in my life every day.  His PEACE rules in my heart.  I’m not worried or concerned about anything.  I’ve got GOD’S PEACE in my heart! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 06:36 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, September 12 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/12: I send this letter to you in God’s church at Corinth, believers cleaned up by Jesus and set apart for a God-filled life. I include in my greeting all who call out to Jesus, wherever they live. He’s their Master as well as ours! 1 Corinthians 1:2 MSG

Confess: It is incredible to know that I’ve been CLEANED UP by Jesus & SET APART (holy) for a GOD-FILLED life of FAITH!  Get ready, the BEST IS YET TO COME! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 05:43 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 11 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/11:  I am writing to God’s church in Corinth, to you who have been called by God to be his own holy people. He made you holy by means of Christ Jesus, just as he did for all people everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours. 1 Corinthians 1:2 NLT

Confess: It is amazing to know that I AM CALLED by God!  He makes me HOLY & COMPLETELY HIS.  I am a vital part of the FAMILY of God.  I CALL on the NAME of Jesus!  Amen!  - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 06:12 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, September 10 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/10: And now, because of Jesus Christ, we can praise the only wise God forever! Amen. Romans 16:27 CEV

Confess: Everything God has done POINTS to JESUS.  Even if we don’t UNDERSTAND we can ALWAYS TRUST Him.  In the END God is WORKING EVERYTHING for our GOOD!  Amen! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 05:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, September 09 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/9: Last VERSE in Romans: All glory to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, forever. Amen. Romans 16:27 NLT

Confess: God’s GLORY & WISDOM can be seen in JESUS & in His BODY: the CHURCH!  You are an AMAZING INCREDIBLE God.  Thanks for all you do for me & for WHO YOU ARE! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 05:41 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, September 08 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/8: But is now made clear; and by the writings of the prophets, by the order of the eternal God, the knowledge of it has been given to all the nations, so that they may come under the rule of the faith; Romans 16:26 BBE

Confess: Prophecies are being made CLEAR & KNOWLEDGE of God’s Word is SPREADING!  God’s purposes are being FULFILLED so everyone can come to FAITH IN JESUS! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 05:44 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, September 07 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/7: But now as the prophets foretold and as the eternal God has commanded, this message is made known to all Gentiles everywhere, so that they too might believe and obey him. Romans 16:26 NLT

Confess: Today I’m watching PROPHECY being FULFILLED!  God’s eternal PLAN & WORD is made KNOWN throughout the WORLD!  Everyone everywhen have a chance to BELIEVE & OBEY HIM! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 05:43 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, September 06 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/6: Now to him who is able to make you strong in agreement with the good news which I gave you and the preaching of Jesus Christ, in the light of the revelation of that secret which has been kept through times eternal, Romans 16:25 BBE

Confess: I am STRONG & I STAND in AGREEMENT with God’s Word!  God’s LIGHT is shining in my life & SECRETS are being REVEALED to God’s GLORY!  Wow God, amen! - P. Rick

Posted by: AT 05:45 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, September 05 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/5: Now all glory to God, who is able to make you strong, just as my Good News says. This message about Jesus Christ has revealed his plan for you Gentiles, a plan kept secret from the beginning of time. Romans 16:25 NLT

Confess: God’s GLORY will MANIFEST in the end.  I am STRONG IN THE LORD infused with His MIGHTY POWER!  God is REVEALING His PLAN that was a mystery but now is EVIDENT!  He is uniting all under Jesus! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 05:46 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 04 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/4: And finally: The God who brings peace will soon defeat Satan and give you power over him. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. Romans 16:20 NCV

Confess: In the END VICTORY will MANIFEST.  God will bring DEFEAT TO satan & GIVE ME POWER over him!  That is the manifestation of His GRACE in my life! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 05:48 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, September 03 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/3: and before you know it the God of peace will come down on Satan with both feet, stomping him into the dirt. Enjoy the best of Jesus! Romans 16:20 MSG

Confess: I COUNT IT ALL JOY when I’m faced with trouble or trials!  God will COME DOWN & rescue me.  The devil will be STOMPED IN THE DIRT.  Hallelujah God ALWAYS CAUSES me to TRIUMPH in Christ!  Amen! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 05:46 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, September 02 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/2: And the God of peace will be crushing Satan under your feet before long. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Romans 16:20 BBE

Confess: When faced with trials or tribulations I KNOW that IT WON’T BE LONG till VICTORY MANIFESTS in & through my life!  It may look overwhelming today but BY FAITH I OVERWHELM the enemy IN THE END! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 10:24 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, September 01 2024

WORD 4 Today 9/1: The God of peace will quickly crush Satan under your feet. May the good will of our Lord Jesus be with you! Romans 16:20 GW

Confess: Whenever I’m attacked or surround by the enemy I’ll be ASSURED of a QUICK VICTORY for me!  In the midst of any trial I may face I DECLARE VICTORY from beginning to end!  Amen. - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 07:49 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

    Word of Life Family Church - Rockwall
    3023 E I-30 Suite 1400
    Rockwall, Texas 75087

    currently meeting at Encounter Church facility

    SATURDAY @ 6:30 pm


    Word of Life Family Church
    P. O. Box 675
    Rockwall, TX 75087
    PH: 469-264-7780

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    Always, Always, Always BE HOPEFUL!

    Always, Always, Always BE HOPEFUL!

    Faith gives SUBSTANCE to the things we hope for (Hebrews 11:1).  That is BASED on the Word of God.

    Proverbs 13:12 tell us that: Hope that is deferred, that is prolonged or delayed, makes the HEART sick.  But when the dream is fulfilled it becomes a TREE of LIFE!


    Hebrews 10:23 (NKJV) Let us hold fast the CONFESSION of our hope without wavering (seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish and confess and our acknowledgement of it -AMP; hold tightly to the hope -CEV; We must continue to hold firmly to our declaration of faith -GW; hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm -NLT), for He who promised is faithful.

    (MSG) Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word.

    Keep CONFESSING the WORD, hold tightly the CONFESSION of your HOPE!

    Be blessed!