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What IMAGE Do You Have of God???

 Pastor's Blog 
Tuesday, March 31 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/31: Repeating Psalm 91 from New Century Version: Those who go to God Most High for safety will be protected by the Almighty.  I will say to the Lord, ‘You are my place of safety and protection. You are my God and I trust you.’ Psalm 91:1-2 NCV

Confess: I GO TO GOD @ times like this & all the time.  I am SAFE & PROTECTED by the Almighty.  He is my PLACE of security, safety & complete protection.  None of these viruses or diseases will affect me!  Amen!

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 10:09 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 30 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/30: I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation! Psalm 91:16 MSG; You will live a long life and see my saving power. CEV; I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation. NLT2

Confess: God PROMISES me a LONG LIFE because I live for Him & honor Him as well.  His POWER & SALVATION is continually seen in my life! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 10:18 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 29 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/29: Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times; I'll rescue you, then throw you a party. Psalm 91:15 MSG; When you are in trouble, call out to me. I will answer and be there to protect and honor you. CEV

Confess: I am CONFIDENT that God will ANSWER me, rescue me & then THROW a party to celebrate my victory!  Answers will always manifest in & through my life! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 12:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, March 28 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/28: If you'll hold on to me for dear life, says GOD, I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me. Psalm 91:14 MSG; The LORD says, I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. NLT2

Confess: I declare my LOVE for God & my TRUST in Him.  He RESCUES me & PROTECTS me each & every day! God’s got me covered. - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 12:35 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 27 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/27: Yes, because GOD's your refuge, the High God your very own home, Evil can't get close to you, harm can't get through the door. He ordered his angels to guard you wherever you go. Psalm 91:9-11 MSG

Confess: God is my REFUGE & STRENGTH.  No evil or harm can TOUCH me.  I am confident of ANGELIC PROTECTION today! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 10:35 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 26 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/26: Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night, not flying arrows in the day, Not disease that prowls through the darkness, not disaster that erupts at high noon. Even though others succumb all around, drop like flies right and left, no harm will even graze you. Psalm 91:5-7 (MSG)

Confess: Today I am again reminded there is NO FEAR here!  I have no reason to be afraid or worried.  I cast all my cares on Him & He will TAKE CARE of me! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 09:48 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 25 2020

Word of Life Family and Friends

As you may have heard, Rockwall County issued its “Stay at Home” Order for our county beginning March 25, 2020.  This order mandates that church services or worship services can only be done online or by video.  This means that for the next few weeks we will not be able to have services at our facility.  

Because of these changes, I will be broadcasting my messages on Facebook Live from home just like we do our Bible Study.  I will broadcast at 6:30 pm on Saturday nights until we are able to meet again in our regular facility.  I am hoping we will be able to do that on Saturday April 11th, our Easter service.

As you know, church expenses do not stop just because we cannot meet together at the facility. I encourage you to be faithful in your tithes and offerings even while we are not meeting.  

You can mail your checks to the church at Word of Life, P.O. Box 675, Rockwall, TX  75087.  Or, if you prefer, you can call or text Pastor Dwila with your credit/debit card information and she can process your offerings that way.

We believe that no plague comes near your dwelling and we also believe that we will be meeting together soon.  We will keep in touch.  We love you.  Remember what I always tell you, “”Whatever comes, we Overcome!”  

Be BLESSED & remember NO FEAR here just FAITH today & in days to come!  Pastor Rick Flynn

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 04:54 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 25 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/25: Say this: "GOD, you're my refuge. I trust in you and I'm safe!" That's right—he rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you— under them you're perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm. Psalm 91:2-4 MSG

Confess: No matter what happens today I am SAFE in God’s loving care!  No weapon formed against me will succeed!  He rescues me from any traps of the enemy.  I am SAFE in His arms today! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 12:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 24 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/24: Live under the protection of God Most High and stay in the shadow of God All-Powerful. Psalm 91:1 CEV; Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. NLT2

Confess: Today I am LIVING under the PROTECTION & PROVISION of God.  I seek first the KINGDOM of God & desire to be in His presence. And ALL my needs are supplied.  Amen! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 12:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 23 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/23: Deliver me, O Lord, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues. Psalm 120:2 AMP; Deliver me from the liars, God! They smile so sweetly but lie through their teeth. MSG; Rescue me, O Lord, from liars and from all deceitful people. NLT

Confess: I will NOT FEAR what man says about me or the accusations that are spoken against me.  God will DELIVER me & RESCUE me from a liars & deceitful people.  I am CONFIDENT in God’s PROTECTION & HELP today! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 11:38 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 22 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/22: IN MY distress I cried to the Lord, and He answered me. Psalm 120:1 AMP; When I am in trouble, I pray, CEV; I cry to God, desperate for an answer: MSG; I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer. NLT

Confess: No matter the trials or tribulations I may face today, my FIRST act will be to PRAY.  When I pray God will ALWAYS answer my prayers & turn things around in my life.  Amen! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 01:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, March 21 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/21: I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek, inquire for, and demand Your servant, for I do not forget Your commandments. Psalm 119:176 AMP; I am your servant, but I have wandered away like a lost sheep. Please come after me, because I have not forgotten your teachings. CEV; And should I wander off like a lost sheep—seek me! I'll recognize the sound of your voice. MSG

Confess: If at anytime I find myself LOST, like a sheep, I will SEEK the Lord!  God’s Word is ALWAYS a LAMP for my feet & a LIGHT for my pour.  I always follow the SHEPHERD because I KNOW His voice! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 12:23 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 20 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/20: Give life to my soul so that it may give you praise; and let your decisions be my support. Psalm 119:175 BBE; Invigorate my soul so I can praise you well, use your decrees to put iron in my soul. MSG

Confess: God gives LIFE to my soul, to my mind, emotions & will.  I am FORTIFIED from God Himself & His decisions, His answers will SUPPORT me all the days of my life.  I have IRON in my soul & will not bend to the pressures of life! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 11:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 19 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/19: All my desire has been for your salvation, O Lord; and your law is my delight. Psalm 119:174 BBE; I have longed for you to save me, O Lord, and your teachings make me happy. GW 

Confess: Salvation, blessing & provision come from the Lord!  I delight & am happy to DO His Word!  Joy & happiness fill my life as I discover new things from the incredible Word of God! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 10:02 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 18 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/18: Let your hand be near for my help; for I have given my heart to your orders. Psalm 119:173 BBE; Be ready to protect me because I have chosen to obey your laws. CEV; Let your hand help me because I have chosen {to follow} your guiding principles. GW

Confess: My heart belongs to the Lord!  His hand of help & provision is always near me.  I am constantly aware of the presence of God in my life & I ALWAYS CHOOSE to follow His guiding principles for my life! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 03:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 17 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/17: My tongue shall sing [praise for the fulfillment] of Your word, for all Your commandments are righteous. Psalm 119:172 AMP; My tongue will sing of your word, for all your commandments are right. ESV

Confess: When I PRAISE God I KNOW that He will FULFILL His Word & promises for my life & my day!  I will sing & praise the Lord for His Word guides my life & His Spirit fills me to overflowing! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 10:31 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 16 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/16: My lips shall pour forth praise [with thanksgiving and renewed trust] when You teach me Your statutes. Psalm 119:171 AMP; Let praise cascade off my lips; after all, you've taught me the truth about life! MSG; Let praise flow from my lips, for you have taught me your decrees. NLT 

Confess: Because of the FAITHFULNESS of God I will constantly & fervently PRAISE Him!  I will ALWAYS be THANKFUL & TRUST Him completely!  Praise & worship easily flows from my lips & I speak the Word only today! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 09:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 15 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/15: Listen to my concerns and keep me safe, just as you have promised. Psalm 119:170 CEV; Let my plea come before you; deliver me according to your word. ESV; Give my request your personal attention, rescue me on the terms of your promise. MSG;

Confess: Today I’m CONFIDENT that God LISTENS to my concerns & is aware of my needs.  He will give PERSONAL ATTENTION to me & my situation.  Nothing is to difficult for God & I will ALWAYS keep FAITH in Him! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 12:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, March 14 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/14: Let my cry come before you, O Lord; give me wisdom in keeping with your word. Psalm 119:169 BBE; Please, Lord, hear my prayer and give me the understanding that comes from your word. CEV; Let my cry for help come into your presence, O Lord. Help me understand as you promised. GW

Confess: My PRAYERS & CRIES for help get through to God!  All I need is WISDOM so I can be a DOER of His amazing Word!  He gives me UNDERSTANDING & HELP in the time of need! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 01:22 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 13 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/13: You are LORD God All-Powerful! No one is as loving and faithful as you are. Psalm 89:8 CEV; O LORD God of Armies, who is like you? Mighty LORD, even your faithfulness surrounds you. GW; O LORD God of Heaven’s Armies! Where is there anyone as mighty as you, O LORD? You are entirely faithful. NLT2

Confess: I serve an ALL POWERFUL God!  So why let FEAR or WORRY affect me?  God’s FAITHFULNESS surrounds me like a protective covering.  I’m in GOOD HANDS! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 03:21 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 12 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/12: Your testimonies have I kept [hearing, receiving, loving, and obeying them]; I love them exceedingly! Psalm 119:167 AMP; My soul has kept your unchanging word; great is my love for it. BBE; I love and obey your laws with all my heart. CEV 

Confess: God’s TESTIMONY is my testimony!  I love His WORD & it is EASY to obey!  I love hearing the Word & instantly OBEYING what God says to me!  God’s Word doesn’t change even when my circumstances do! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 11:05 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 11 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/11: I am hoping and waiting [eagerly] for Your salvation, O Lord, and I do Your commandments. Psalm 119:166 AMP; You are my only hope for being saved, Lord, and I do all you command. CEV; I wait expectantly for your salvation; God, I do what you tell me. MSG

Confess: Faith gives SUBSTANCE to the things I HOPE FOR!  That faith is EVIDENCE of the things I CANNOT SEE!  I am CONFIDENT & filled with expectation of what God will do in & through my life today!  I love to do what He tells me to do! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 12:56 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 10 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/10: Great peace have they who love Your law; nothing shall offend them or make them stumble. Psalm 119:165 AMP; There is lasting peace for those who love your teachings. Nothing can make those people stumble. GW; For those who love what you reveal, everything fits— no stumbling around in the dark for them. MSG

Confess: Today I DWELL in God’s PERFECT PEACE!  Nothing that happens will move me from that position of peace.  Everything fits into God’s plan for my life.  There will be NO STUMBLING, offense or tripping up.  The will of God & direction for my life will be PLAIN for me to see & follow!  Amen! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 08:43 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 09 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/9: I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great spoil. Psalm 119:162 AMP; I am delighted by your saying, like a man who makes discovery of great wealth. BBE; I find joy in your promise like someone who finds a priceless treasure. GW 

Confess: Today I’m filled with the joy of discovery.  When I open the word new treasures are found.  God speaks to me and I loved hearing from Him.  The Word of God is a bank filled with wealth for me to find.  Wow it’s so fun! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 10:10 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 08 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/8: Don't let those who look to you in hope Be discouraged by what happens to me, Dear Lord! GOD of the armies! Don't let those out looking for you Come to a dead end by following me— Please, dear God of Israel! Psalm 69:6 MSG; Don’t let those who trust in you be ashamed because of me, O Sovereign LORD of Heaven’s Armies. Don’t let me cause them to be humiliated, O God of Israel. NLT2

Confess: Today I OVERCOME any discouragement I may face.  God ALWAYS causes me to TRIUMPH in Christ Jesus!  Hallelujah! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 01:55 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, March 07 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/7: Awesome is God from his sanctuary; the God of Israel—he is the one who gives power and strength to his people. Blessed be God! Psalm 68:35 ESV; God, the God of Israel, is awe-inspiring in his holy place. He gives strength and power to his people. Thanks be to God! GW; God, you are wonderful in your Temple. The God of Israel gives his people strength and power. Praise God! NCV

Confess: God is AMAZING & I am BLESSED!  He gives strength to the weak & power to those who CALL on His name!  Today I have all the STRENGTH I need!  Amen! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 01:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 06 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/6: Parade your power, O God, the power, O God, that made us what we are. Psalm 68:28 MSG; Our God, show your strength! Show us once again. CEV; Summon your might, O God. Display your power, O God, as you have in the past. NLT2

Confess: God’s POWER & VICTORY is shown in my life!  He has displayed glory in my life once again.  He has been FAITHFUL in the past & He will be FAITHFUL in my present & future as well.  Amen! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 12:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 05 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/5: Singers are in front, musicians behind; between them are young women playing tambourines. Praise God, all you people of Israel; praise the LORD, the source of Israel’s life. Psalm 68:25-26 NLT2 

Confess: God is the SOURCE of my life.  He is my foundation & the reason I REJOICE & CELEBRATE the amazing life He has given to me!  Thanks God! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 10:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 04 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/4: He's our Savior, our God, oh yes! He's God-for-us, he's God-who-saves-us. Lord GOD knows all death's ins and outs. Psalm 68:20 MSG; God is to us a God of deliverances and salvation; and to God the Lord belongs escape from death [setting us free]. AMP

Confess: My God is FOR me & He SAVES & RESCUES me continually!  In Him I am FREE indeed.  Thank You Jesus! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 07:57 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 03 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/3: The sum of Your word is truth [the total of the full meaning of all Your individual precepts]; and every one of Your righteous decrees endures forever. Psalm 119:160 AMP; The entirety of Your word is truth, and all Your righteous judgments endure forever. HCSB; Your words all add up to the sum total: Truth. Your righteous decisions are eternal. MSG

Confess: Jesus is the WAY, TRUTH & LIFE!  I may not understand Gods Word or what He wants me to do day by day but I TRUST Him totally &will follow His directions for my life! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 09:22 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 02 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/2: I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great spoil. Psalm 119:162 AMP; I am delighted by your saying, like a man who makes discovery of great wealth. BBE; I find joy in your promise like someone who finds a priceless treasure. GW; I'm ecstatic over what you say, like one who strikes it rich. MSG

Confess: The JOY OF THE LORD is my strength!  Every day I dig out TREASURES from the Word.  I truly am ECSTATIC striking it rich in the Word.  The Word of God is a PRICELESS TREASURE in my life! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 05:21 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 01 2020

WORD 4 Today 3/1: The sum of Your word is truth [the total of the full meaning of all Your individual precepts]; and every one of Your righteous decrees endures forever. Psalm 119:160 AMP; The entirety of Your word is truth, and all Your righteous judgments endure forever. HCSB; Your words all add up to the sum total: Truth. Your righteous decisions are eternal. MSG

Confess: Jesus is the WAY, TRUTH & LIFE!  I may not understand Gods Word or what He wants me to do day by day but I TRUST Him totally &will follow His directions for my life! - P. Rick

Posted by: Rick Flynn AT 10:50 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

    Word of Life Family Church - Rockwall
    3023 E I-30 Suite 1400
    Rockwall, Texas 75087

    currently meeting at Encounter Church facility

    SATURDAY @ 6:30 pm


    Word of Life Family Church
    P. O. Box 675
    Rockwall, TX 75087
    PH: 469-264-7780

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    Always, Always, Always BE HOPEFUL!

    Always, Always, Always BE HOPEFUL!

    Faith gives SUBSTANCE to the things we hope for (Hebrews 11:1).  That is BASED on the Word of God.

    Proverbs 13:12 tell us that: Hope that is deferred, that is prolonged or delayed, makes the HEART sick.  But when the dream is fulfilled it becomes a TREE of LIFE!


    Hebrews 10:23 (NKJV) Let us hold fast the CONFESSION of our hope without wavering (seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish and confess and our acknowledgement of it -AMP; hold tightly to the hope -CEV; We must continue to hold firmly to our declaration of faith -GW; hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm -NLT), for He who promised is faithful.

    (MSG) Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word.

    Keep CONFESSING the WORD, hold tightly the CONFESSION of your HOPE!

    Be blessed!