Pastor's Blog
Friday, September 30 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/30: I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O Lord; I will keep Your statutes [I will hear, receive, love, and obey them]. Psalm 119:145 AMP; I have called out with all my heart. Answer me, O Lord. I want to obey your laws. GW; I call out at the top of my lungs, ‘God! Answer! I'll do whatever you say.’ MSG
Confess: I am confident that God hears & responds to my prayers. When I HEAR the word, FAITH comes & it is easy to apply it to any situation in my life! I LOVE DOING what God says & obeying His incredible word. It’s a pleasure! - P. Rick
Thursday, September 29 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/29: Your righteous testimonies are everlasting and Your decrees are binding to eternity; give me understanding and I shall live [give me discernment and comprehension and I shall not die]. Psalm 119:144 AMP; The way you tell me to live is always right; help me understand it so I can live to the fullest. MSG
Confess: Today I do live RIGHT & I live life to the FULLEST! God has given me UNDERSTANDING & DISCERNMENT. It is easy & natural or supernatural to always do the RIGHT thing as well! I do live the ABUNDANT LIFE! so my prayer is: “help me understand it so I can live to the fullest.“ - P. Rick
Wednesday, September 28 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/28: I am in deep distress, but I love your teachings. Psalm 119:143 CEV; Trouble and hardship have found me, but your commandments {still} make me happy. GW; Even though troubles came down on me hard, your commands always gave me delight. MSG; As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands. NLT
Confess: Even when troubles seem to overwhelm me & distress surrounds me I will ALWAYS find JOY in God’s Word. Your word makes me HAPPY & fills my life with fun & life! The JOY OF THE LORD is my strength. Thanks God! - P. Rick
Tuesday, September 27 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/27: Your promises have been thoroughly tested; that is why I love them so much. Psalm 119:140 NLT; Your word to me, your servant, is like pure gold; I treasure what you say. CEV; Your word is completely pure, and Your servant loves it. HCSB
Confess: I can attest that ALL God’s promises are TRIED & TRUE. God’s word is reliable & trustworthy. All the promises of God are YES & AMEN! GOD says YES & I say AMEN! - P. Rick
Monday, September 26 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/26: Your laws are perfect and completely trustworthy. Psalm 119:138 NLT; The rules that you have given are completely fair and right. GNT; The rules you impose are just, and absolutely reliable. NET
Confess: God’s word is COMPLETELY trustworthy & absolutely reliable. Everything in the word is FOR MY BENEFIT! I cast all my cares on Him & trust Him with the outcome for my life. Good will ultimately win the day! And so will I! Amen! - P. Rick
Sunday, September 25 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/25: Look upon me with love; teach me your decrees. Psalm 119:134 NLT; Smile on me, your servant, and teach me your laws. CEV; Bless me with your presence and teach me your laws. - GNT
Confess: When God sees me He expresses His incredible love. I am BLESSED to experience His presence in my life & learn from His Word! - P. Rick
Saturday, September 24 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/24: Ransom me from the oppression of evil people; then I can obey your commandments. Psalm 119:134 NLT; Protect me from abuse, so I can obey your laws. CEV; Save me from human oppression so that I may obey your guiding principles. GW
Confess: Today I declare God always delivers me from abuse, oppression & the influence of evil people. I easily & joyfully OBEY His Word for my life. It is not difficult to be a DOER of the Word! - P. Rick
Friday, September 23 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/23: Guide my steps by your word, so I will not be overcome by evil. Psalm 119:133 NLT; Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me. ESV; Direct my footsteps by your promise, and do not let any kind of iniquity rule over me. ISV
Confess: My steps, my direction in life, are from the Lord. His Word guides & protects me keeping me from from the influence of evil. Sin SHALL NOT have dominion or control of my life. I easily follow God’s lead! - P. Rick
Thursday, September 22 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/22: I pant with expectation, longing for your commands. Psalm 119:132 NLT; I honestly want to know everything you teach. CEV; I opened my mouth and I inhaled The Spirit, and I have awaited your salvation. Aramaic Bible
Confess: I really do want to know God’s will for my life, my day & my family. I am expecting & longing for Gods best in my life. I constantly think about & meditate upon His revealed word for my life & day. Salvation, victory & blessings come from the Lord! - P. Rick
Wednesday, September 21 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/21: The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. Psalm 119:130 NIV; The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple. NJKV; The revelation of your words brings light and gives understanding to the inexperienced. Psalm 119:131 CSB
Confess: Whenever I need answers or direction in my life I find LIGHT in the word that brings revelation to my life. As I open the word each day I expect the unfolding of God’s will in my life. All I really need is MORE LIGHT from the Word of God! - P. Rick
Tuesday, September 20 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/20: Your laws are wonderful. No wonder I obey them! Psalm 119:128 NLT; Wonderful are Your testimonies; therefore I obey them. BSB; Your teachings are wonderful; I obey them with all my heart. GNT; Your written instructions are miraculous. That is why I obey them. GW
Confess: I’m in awe at God’s amazing Word! It is easy and right to obey God with ALL MY HEART! His word is MIRACULOUS in my life producing incredible & amazing results! I’m stand SOLID on the word of God! - P. Rick
Monday, September 19 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/19: Truly, I love your commands more than gold, even the finest gold. Psalm 119:127 NLT; Your laws mean more to me than the finest gold. - CEV
Confess: There is nothing as VALUABLE as God’s living dynamic Word. I value & treasure His word more than silver, gold, money or diamonds. I treat the Word of God with the greatest esteem & value it more than life itself. Your word is the most precious thing in my life. Thanks You Jesus! - P. Rick
Sunday, September 18 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/18: LORD, it is time for you to act, for these evil people have violated your instructions. Psalm 119:126 NLT; It is time for You to act, O LORD, For they have regarded Your law as void. NJKV
Confess: Now is the day of salvation & breakthrough. Expect it, confess it & receive it by faith. God’s word may be void in their life but not in my life. God’s word releases power & life as I speak and believe it today! - P. Rick
Saturday, September 17 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/17: Give discernment to me, your servant; then I will understand your laws. Psalm 119:125 NLT; I am your servant. Give me insight, so that I can understand your rules. NET
Confess: Today I DECLARE I am very discerning about life and the motives of others. I can easily understand & apply God’s word in a myriad of situations. God gives me SUPERNATURAL DISCERNMENT so I know what to do when I need to DOIT! - P. Rick
Friday, September 16 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/16: I am your servant; deal with me in unfailing love, and teach me your decrees. Psalm 119:124 NLT; Deal with Your servant according to Your loving devotion, and teach me Your statutes. BSB; Show your love for me, your servant, and teach me your laws. CEV
Confess: Today I’m reminded I’m a SERVANT of the Lord. A servant serves at the pleasure of another. I am DEVOTED to and a learner follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. He’s my Lord I’m His faithful & loyal servant. You can count on me Lord. Amen! - P. Rick
Thursday, September 15 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/15: Please guarantee a blessing for me. Don’t let the arrogant oppress me! Psalm 119:122 NLT; Take good care of me, your servant, and don't let me be harmed by those conceited people. CEV
Confess: Guaranteed blessings that’s what I expect and stand for in faith. No arrogant or proud person will do any harm to me. God redeems my life and turns around any evil meant to harm me. Good will always triumph over evil in my life. Wow God thanks! - P. Rick
Wednesday, September 14 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/14: Don’t leave me to the mercy of my enemies, for I have done what is just and right. Psalm 119:121 NLT; I did what was fair and right! Don't hand me over to those who want to mistreat me. CEV; I have complied with judgment and righteousness; do not leave me to my oppressors. Jubilee Bible
Confess: Gods enemies are my enemies. He will never let them win in the end. Everything will turn out for my best and blessings will overtake me. I will ALWAYS do what is right even when no one is watching. God sees it all. - P. Rick
Tuesday, September 13 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/13: Sustain me, and I will be rescued; then I will meditate continually on your decrees. Psalm 119:117 NLT; Keep me safe and secure, so that I will always respect your laws. CEV; Support me, so that I will be delivered. Then I will focus on your statutes continually. NET
Confess: I am SUSTAINED & SECURE in God’s amazing word. Everyday I’m committed to living by the Word. I will meditate, think about & focus on His will & word for my life each day! - P. Rick
Monday, September 12 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/12: LORD, sustain me as you promised, that I may live! Do not let my hope be crushed. Psalm 119:116 NLT; Be true to your word, LORD. Keep me alive and strong; don't let me be ashamed because of my hope. CEV; Give me strength, as you promised, and I shall live; don't let me be disappointed in my hope! GNT
Confess: My strength comes from the Lord. I will NEVER be disappointed or ashamed because of what I’m hoping for in my life. God is on the throne of my life and I know everything will turn out for the best. - P. Rick
Sunday, September 11 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/11: Get out of my life, you evil-minded people, for I intend to obey the commands of my God. Psalm 119:115 NLT; All you worthless people, get away from me! I am determined to obey the commands of my God. CEV
Confess: Today I declare no evil or wicked person can stand to be around me for long. The anointing is on me & it reveals their heart. Because I am DETERMINED to obey & do what God’s word says they can’t hang around me for long. The conviction is too great. No weapon formed against me will have any success. Praise the Lord! - P. Rick
Saturday, September 10 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/10: You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word. Psalm 119:114 ESV; You are my hiding place and my shield; I wait for Your word. NASB; You are my defender and protector; I put my hope in your promise. GNT
Confess: God is my defense and my place of security. I trust in the Lord and rest in my growing relationship with Him. My faith & hope are placed in His great & precious promises that are given to me. Thanks God I needed that! - P. Rick
Friday, September 09 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/9: I hate those with divided loyalties, but I love your instructions. Psalm 119:113 NLT; The double-minded I despise, but Your law I love. BSB; Doubting ones I have hated, And Thy law I have loved. Young’s
Confess: I am LOYAL to the Lord and growing in FAITH. I REFUSE to doubt and I CHERISH God’s word! No matter the circumstances in my life or the criticisms aimed my direction I will ALWAYS stick with the LIVING WORD of God! Today is my birthday & I celebrate the GOODNESS of God! - P. Rick
Thursday, September 08 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/8: I have made up my mind to obey your laws forever, no matter what. Psalm 119:112 CEV; I have decided to obey your laws. They offer a reward that never ends. GW; I am determined to keep your decrees to the very end. - NLT
Confess: I am fully persuaded and I’ve made up my mind to ALWAYS OBEY God’s word and follow His leading for my life. My reward comes from above, hallelujah. - P. Rick
Wednesday, September 07 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/7: Your written instructions are mine forever. They are the joy of my heart. Psalm 119:111 GW; They will always be my most prized possession and my source of joy. CEV
Confess: God’s Word is the most valuable thing that I possess. I take joy in discovering new things for my life from the word. And it is EASY for me to follow directions and receive corrections from the word. - P. Rick
Tuesday, September 06 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/6: Some merciless people are trying to trap me, but I never turn my back on your teachings. Psalm 119:110 CEV; The wicked have set their traps for me, but I will not turn from your commandments. NLT
Confess: Regardless of what people may say or do I’m always aware of God’s message for me today. His word is FRESH & RELEVANT for my life and anything I may face. I will always lean on Him and follow the direction of His Word. - P. Rick
Monday, September 05 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/5: My life is constantly in danger, yet I do not forget your instruction. Psalm 119:09 CSB; I never forget your teachings, although my life is always in danger. CEV; I am always ready to risk my life; I have not forgotten your law. GNT
Confess: No matter what dangers or challenges I may face today I’m always aware of Gods amazing presence in my life. Because the Lord is my shepherd I have everything I need. He always provides for me and protects me. I’m covered by God Himself. - P. Rick
Sunday, September 04 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/4: Accept my freewill offerings of praise, O LORD, and teach me your rules. Psalm 119:108 ESV; Accept my offerings of praise and teach me your laws. - CEV
Confess: Today I’m determined to praise the Lord. No matter what is happening I will find a way to give God the glory. I know that everything will turn for my good and benefit. I choose to see the blessings of God and learn in adversity. Jesus is Lord and I’m blessed. - P. Rick
Saturday, September 03 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/3: I have suffered much, O LORD; restore my life again as you promised. - Psalm 119:107 NLT; I am in terrible pain! Save me, LORD, as you have promised. - CEV
Confess: Whatever suffering, troubles or affliction that comes my way, God always causes me to triumph and overcome. He restores my soul and revives my life. Whatever pain or suffering I’m faced with God will grant me the VICTORY. - P. Rick
Friday, September 02 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/2: I’ve promised it once, and I’ll promise it again: I will obey your righteous regulations. Psalm 119:106 NLT; Your laws are fair, and I have given my word to respect them all. - CEV; I took an oath, and I will keep it. I took an oath to follow your regulations, which are based on your righteousness. - GW
Confess: I am committed to keep my word. I’ve promised to live my life in LIGHT of Gods revealed word to me. I ALWAYS do what is right by God! - P. Rick
Thursday, September 01 2022
WORD 4 Today 9/1: Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105 NLT; Your word is a lamp that gives light wherever I walk. CEV; Your word is a lamp to walk by, and a light to illumine my path. NET
Confess: Today I declare that God’s word brings light and illumination to my life. My decisions are guided in LIGHT of God’s word. When I don’t know what to do or how to proceed I just need a little MORE LIGHT from the word of God. - P. Rick