Spring cleaning, what a wonderful concept.
You shall eat the old harvest, and CLEAR OUT the OLD because of the NEW. (Leviticus 26:10 NKJV Caps mine.)
Clear out the CLUTTER in your life. We usually call that SPRING cleaning but we may need to do some clutter removal throughout the year. We have learned that valuable lesson again each time we have moved. It really is this:
Simplify your life, remove the CLUTTER, discard the distractions in your life!
Another way to say this is found in the life of Hezekiah, who at age 25, became King of Israel he did what was RIGHT before the Lord. He spoke to the Levites, the servants of the Lord, and said,
Now sanctify yourselves, sanctify the house of the LORD God of your fathers, and CARRY OUT THE RUBBISH from the holy place.
(1 Chronicles 29:5 NKJV Caps mine.)
It's so easy for us to get RUBBISH or garbage in our lives. This time of the year many people are involved in SPRING CLEANING in our lives.
We let little things creep in, a white lie, a little offense, a partial truth, and an angry response. Pretty soon, before we know it, unforgiveness, revenge, or bitterness has crept into our lives.
Let's be sure to give God the proper place today and carry the trash out of our houses! When you do your SPRING-CLEANING be sure to include the spiritual things too!